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The effectiveness of leaf extract cherry (Muntingia calabura l.) as lowering cholesterol levels in white rats with simvastatin comparison

Cut Fatimah

The flab in the body partly will form the excessive cholesterol, which can thicken the blood and the formation of thrombus in the blood can cause coronary heart disease, and even death are currently on the market have been widely circulated synthetic chemical drugs to lower blood cholesterol levels, but often cause various side effects, so it is necessary to find an alternative drugs from natural materials rational lowering cholesterol levels with relatively minor side effects. One plant has been used traditionally community to reduce body fat (obesity) is a cherry leaf. In addition cherry leaves have also been used to treat gout, diabetes, and high blood pressure, so that the possibility can be used as an alternative to cholesterol-lowering drugs. Extraction is done by percolation using 80% ethanol. Phytochemical screening performed on fresh leaves, botanicals, and cherry leaf ethanol extract. Decreased effectiveness of cholesterol using cholesterol level gauges Nesco®multicheck, the male rats induced by high cholesterol feed is duck eggs yolk mixture to 80% and 0.125% propylthiouracil orally by 4 ml, for 10 days to an increase in levels of blood cholesterol. Measurements were made once every 24 hours after the suspension of the ethanol extract of leaves of cherry with three doses of 2%, 4%, 6%, respectively 2 ml, as a blank CMC suspension 0.5%, and the comparison simvastatin dose of 0.025% respectively 4 ml. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by analysis of Least Significant Difference Test (BNT) using the least squares difference (Least Square Difference) with a 99% confidence level. Phytochemical screening result looks the same class of chemical compounds on fresh leaves, botanicals, and cherry leaf ethanol extract, namely alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids / steroids; and essential oils. The result of a decrease in blood cholesterol seen rats started on the third day after the administration of test materials, and showed a significant decrease in cholesterol on the seventh day, did not differ between the test material 4% and 6%. As for the test material 2%, is showing a decline on the ninth day. Of the three doses given cherry leaf extract noticeable decrease in blood cholesterol levels the most excellent rats at concentrations of 4% for the seventh day was not significantly different from the concentration of 6%. 

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Citations : 1101

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