Modi CM, Dudhatra GB, Avinash Kumar, Chukewar AB, Awale MM, Patel HB and Mody SK
Due to rapid industrial expansion and change in socio-economic dynamics of human population, the death and also cruelty to animals due to toxicant, poisons or industrial or agricultural chemicals is very common social phenomenon now a days. The prevention of such incidences depends on investigation of incidence, finalizing causes of death and cruelty to animals and formulating policy based on findings and experiences. Under such toxicological investigation, Veterinarian plays key role by offering his services to law enforcing agency for performing the post-mortem, collection of samples, submitting the samples to forensic laboratory and interpretation of results hereby obtained. All these functions become very crucial when there is involvement of legal disputes or conflicts. Under such condition, Veterinarian is authorized sources of expert evidence and opinions as per Expert Witness Act of India. Veterinarian has to present his findings and related opinions in the presence of court jury. Admissibility of expert evidences and opinions depends on accuracy of Veterinarian’s professional functions performed during investigation of cases. It is a challenging job for Veterinarian to investigate veterolegal cases in field condition in order to protect the interest of animal or owner or society or government. So the intersection of knowledge of toxicological and legal matters is of vital for Veterinarians to understand and to conduct such investigation in most correct ways. The present review is focused on blending of technicality of toxicological investigation and its legality for the use of court and jury.
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